
Hypospadias is a congenital condition where the opening of the urethra is located on the underside of the penis instead of the tip, which causes difficulties for a child to urinate properly. But as a parent, you don’t need to worry a lot because you can take advantage of the best hypospadias hospital in Gurgaon for expert care and modern facilities. If you are considering hypospadias surgery, then you can consult with our best hypospadias doctors in Dhaka to get the right advice for your child’s health.

Secure your child’s future with the correct hypospadias surgery in Dhaka by contacting us today. Our expert team and modern equipment make this surgery more comfortable for your child.

What Is Hypospadias?

Hypospadias is a congenital condition where the opening of the urethra is located on the underside of the penis instead of the tip, which causes difficulties for a child to urinate properly in standing position. Many of the child with this defect may feel difficulties during sexual act during his adult life. But as a parent, you don’t need to worry a lot because you can take advantage of the best hypospadias hospital in the country for expert & optimum care and modern facilities. Most guys with hypospadias can have normal urination and reproduction if they get the right treatment at the right time. If you are considering hypospadias surgery, then you can consult with our best hypospadias doctors in Dhaka to get the right advice for your child’s health. Secure your child’s future with the correct hypospadias surgery  by contacting us . Our expert team and modern equipment make this surgery more comfortable for your child.

Causes Of Hypospadias

Exact causes are not yet known. But there are some genetic and hormonal as well as environmental factors. As male fetus’s penis grows some hormones cause the urethra and foreskin to grow towards tip of penis at the same time. Hypospadias happens when these hormones don’t work right, causing the urethra to grow in an odd way.

More risk is generated during pregnancy if a mother is facing and doing these things:

  • Use treatments for infertility to get pregnant.
  • Use other hormones before pregnancy or while you are pregnant.
  • Mother age is over 35

What Are The Types Of Hypospadias?

The position of the opening of the urethra decides the type of hypospadias a boy has:

Glanular: The opening of the urethra is situated in the glans but not at tip.

Coronal: The opening of the urethra is situated at the corona(sulcus).

Subcoronal: The opening of the urethra is situated proximal to the corona but close to it.( more than 75% are coronal and sub-coronal variety)

Midshaft: The opening of the urethra can be found on the middle 3rd of the penile shaft. in most people.

Penoscrotal: The urethra opens where the penis and scrotum meet; boys have a curvier penis(chordee) while erection.

Perineal: The urethra opens below scrotum(most severe form).

Symptoms Of Hypospadias

Symptoms of hypospadias may include:

  • A urethral opening that appears on the underside of the penis instead of at      the tip.
  • A penis that appears curved or bent downward (chordee) may accompany hypospadias, particularly in severe cases.
  •  Often experience challenges during urination, with the urine stream sometimes spraying or splitting.
  • Hypospadias can be associated with a hooded foreskin or a smaller-than-average penis.
  • Hypospadias may experience pain or discomfort during urination, erections, or sexual activity.

How Is Hypospadias Diagnosed And Treated?

Our best hypospadias doctors in AMZ Hypospadias center will do a thorough diagnosis of your hypospadias then they will treat you in the right manner.

Physical Examination: Diagnosis often begins with a thorough physical examination of the newborn or affected individual to identify the location of the urethral opening.